
Comments (8)

What do you think?

I like the idea: a magician robot - it's super cool - and the game definitely looks pretty promising. Altough the reloading music and the respawning enemies are really annoying. By the way I stuck after I've found the wall breaking spell. It seems in every way I need a double jump to progress - or something like that. Am I missing something?

Nice platformer. I included it in my Dreamhack Summer Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

keep making more i love it

yay, it's a good game

Hi Bloodbane, I wish to make some sprites for your game to thank you for all you've done to me. Can I show you what I am am able to draw for your hero and enemies?

This is my entry for DreamHack Summer Jam 2019 whose theme : Magic vs Science. The game is metroidvania inspired by Super Metroid, Contra, Lyle in Cube Sector and Castlevania .


You are a robo magi, robot who have learned magic. Great as it sounds, other robots don't like you and you must escape. Explore the base to find orbs which grants new spell to access more areas. Beware! it won't be easy!
Run n gun your way to your freedom!


Jam version is the original version of DreamHack Summer Jam 2019. Post Jam version 1 is the updated version with more features and released for DreamHack Jungle Jam 2020

#platformer #retro #openbor #shooter #runngun #magic #robot #arcade #metroidvania

#dreamhackjungle #action

Mild Cartoon Violence

Tough turret to crack? just burn them with fire!

Back to working on this game, I've completed custom select screen, here's how it looks:

I forgot to measure maxed MPbar length when all MP extensions are collected before. It was too long and covered spell icon so I had to shorten it. These new shots show shortened starting MPbar for Magito and Dukuro.

Everything has a beginning including this game. This room is where Magito and Dukuro starts. They have their own door for loading saved game, which only opens if they have saved game, of course.

New info screen have been added for Magito and Dukuro. Magito's info might be optional however Dukuro's info is important as it could help him open certain barriers.

After Magito gained fire orb, he can shoot barrage of fireballs like this.

Today's screenshots feature crossover challenges: Magito faces Dukuro's traps and Dukuro faces Magito's traps.

These are Dukuro's and Magito's animation displayed on main menu. Dukuro doesn't have magical platform so I gave him Batik Cloud instead.

Dukuro's special animation has been created and placed on Main Menu. Now both Magito and Dukuro are shown when game starts.

I've revisited some rooms in Area E and fixed+updated some of them. Here are some shots of them: